Classroom in Nature – Des Eléphants et des Hommes Association

About This Project

Classroom in nature

In Africa as in Asia, the majestic elephants are endangered. The cause: poaching, but also the disappearance of their habitat. They compete with men for space and natural resources, and conflicts are increasing. Their situation is very worrying, and very often they live in small, increasingly isolated populations. Elephants are however the guardians of a biodiversity essential to our humanity: safeguarding them implies preserving their living environment, and thus protecting many other animal and plant species.

The French association “Des Éléphants et des Hommes” has developed nature class programs so that schoolchildren can discover their natural heritage and the need to protect it. These schoolchildren thus become the first actors in the preservation of biodiversity.

In addition, various local awareness actions have been developed: interventions in several hundred schools, distribution of teaching materials, etc.

After conducting nature classes for more than 10 years in Africa (in Burkina Faso in particular), since 2019 the association has focused on Asian elephants, and more particularly in Lao PDR.

La Barben zoo and Ecofaune have been partners in this programme since 2007, supporting nature classes in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and now in Laos!

Preserving species